Bloore King & Kavanagh are delighted to offer a wonderful opportunity to lease is this first floor office space contained within this beautiful historic building situated in a prime location in the heart of the beautiful village of Kinver. The property is situated fronting the High street in the...
Measured at widest point Narrows to 2.60m Bloore King & Kavanagh are delighted to offer a wonderful opportunity to lease this first floor office space contained within this beautiful historic building situated in a prime location in the heart of the beautiful village of Kinver.
The property is situated fronting the High street in the heart of Kinver Village with access to the shared entrance hall via the Chenevare Mews with its wonderful small shops and cafe. A communal entrance and hallway with stairs leading to a communal landing. A door from the communal landing leads into the office suite containing five offices and entrance to a private apartment. The offices have a shared toilet facility.
The central office has approx. 8.85 sq/mtrs (96 sq/ft) of space with window fronting the high street. Electric points all round and electric heating. EPC: C Available Now
General Information
Identification and AML Requirements
COMPANY APPLICANT IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS In all cases we will need to take photocopies of all documents submitted as evidence of identity or address
- the certificate of incorporation - Proof of address for the company - a list of directors - the registered address - Two forms of personal ID for the director responsible for signing terms
- Photographic identification ie: Drivers Licence or Passport - Proof of Address ie: Utility Bill or Bank Statement - Date of Birth
Applicants are required to pass referencing process. The applicant will be referenced personally if a sole trader. If a limited company the company must pass referencing.
In either event personal ID must be obtained for all responsible individuals or directors.
The cost of the referencing is to be paid by the proposed applicant / company
Cost: £150 plus vat (£180 incl)
Rates We suggest that any interested party should verify the applicable rates with the local authority
VAT Rent is NOT subject to VAT However any service charges, agency fees and sundry costs may be subject to VAT
Lease: A 3 year lease is applicable with a break clause at year one included.
Service Charge: Not applicable
Legal Costs Any cost for producing the lease is to be paid by the incoming tenant. Price TBA
Each party to be responsible for any further legal costs outside of the cost of the lease.
Security Deposit A security deposit equivalent to TWO MONTHS RENT is required and will be held by the landlord for the duration of the lease.
Utilities / Service charge: Broadband and telephone musty be provided by the applicant. Electricity is metered and will be billed separately
Energy Performance Rating EPC: C
Viewings Viewings strictly by appointment with Bloore King & Kavanagh to request a viewing: Call: 0121 550 4151 or Email:
Brochure Declaration
FIXTURES AND FITTINGS: Only those items specifically mentioned in these sales particulars are included within the sale price. However, the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items (if any), whilst not included, are negotiable. B K and K have NOT tested any apparatus, equipment, fixture or fitting and so cannot verify they are in working order or fit for their purpose. The buyers are advised to obtain verification from their solicitor or surveyor. CONSUMER PROTECTION REGULATIONS 2008: These particulars have been prepared with care and approved by the vendors (where possible) as correct, but are intended as a guide to the property only, with measurements being approximate and usually the maximum size which may include alcoves, recesses or otherwise as described and you must NOT rely on them for any other purpose. The appearance of an item in any photograph does not mean that it forms part of the property or sale price. Always contact the appropriate branch for advice or confirmation on any points. PLANNING PERMISSION/ BUILDING REGULATIONS: Any reference to the property being extended, altered or converted in any way does not infer that planning permission or building regulations have been granted or applied for, nor do B K and K accept any responsibility for such not having been obtained. Prospective purchasers should always seek verification from their solicitor or surveyor on these aspects. REFERRAL FEES: We refer clients to a number of service providers for various reasons within the scope of our terms, in line with our business and with the client’s permission (GDPR 2018). It is your decision whether you choose to deal with any of the companies we recommend however you should be aware that some of these companies provide Bloore King & Kavanagh with a referral fee for recommending them. Referral fees are a maximum of £175.